For my senior capstone, I wanted to create something that is one hundred percent me- something that embodies the personal side of me, and the side that makes me an artist. I find myself looking for outlets to transport me to somewhere else, somewhere that I am my happiest.
There is a special place in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin, called Paradise. Whenever we can, my huge, close-knit family gathers for perfect days of lying around in the pool, playing games, drinking, eating and laughing with each other. It is the place that I have created the most cherished memories of my life, all because of my loving, simple-living family, and this special piece of land in the middle of corn fields that we get to call home.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Art & Design | Champaign, IL | Fall 2018-Spring 2019

Listen to some of our favorite Paradise stories.