"How do you rally football lovers around the nation with no connection or partnerships with NFL or NCAA? You create and foster a connection to the very passionate and extremely optimistic football fan."
The Marketing Store Worldwide | Chicago, IL | Fall 2019
Share A Coke with your Fanmates video for 2019 Sizzle Awards.
VO: "A win for McDonald's, a win for Coke, a win for football fans every where."
VO: "In a season when basically every QSR is trying to capture the attention of the football "superfan", how do you break away from the rest and score this coveted target's loyalty?"
VO: "The results? A winner."
VO: "Engagement with our program shattered expectations, scoring big with game changing soft-drink transactions, and drafting tons of new users on our app."
VO: "If we were going to captivate football fans who love their teams like nobody else would, we would have to reach them in ways only McDonald's and Coke could- through the combined power of our fan favorite brands."